Everyone deserves to harness their spiritual gifts AND activate their own energetic blueprint

Everyone deserves to harness their spiritual gifts and activate their own energetic blueprint

"Lightworkers are here to help guide the way, to raise the vibration of the planet and bring hope, love, and healing to all those they encounter."

Meet Fatou

Meet Fatou, a master healer with an unwavering commitment to promoting healing and wellness for others.

With a deep understanding of the human experience, she values compassion and empathy above all else. Her focus is on creating a safe and supportive environment where her clients feel heard and understood, providing the best possible care.

Through continuous learning and growth, Fatou strives to help others achieve greater physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. But that’s not all - Fatou is also a modern alchemist who values creativity and experimentation in areas such as energy healing and spirituality. She challenges traditional ways of thinking to discover new solutions and unlock humanity's collective knowledge and wisdom.

With a desire to push boundaries, she seeks to transform the world through her innovative ideas.

In addition to being a master healer and modern alchemist, Fatou is also a time bender who understands the malleability of time. By valuing flexibility and adaptability in shaping events towards positive outcomes for herself and others, she harnesses the power of mindfulness to appreciate each moment fully. Rooted in curiosity about the nature of time itself, Fatou desires to use this tool for transformation towards greater good.

Join us as we explore this remarkable individual's world where time transcends beyond just a concept but becomes an instrument for change.

Meet Fatou

Meet Fatou, a master healer with an unwavering commitment to promoting healing and wellness for others.

With a deep understanding of the human experience, she values compassion and empathy above all else. Her focus is on creating a safe and supportive environment where her clients feel heard and understood, providing the best possible care.

Through continuous learning and growth, Fatou strives to help others achieve greater physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. But that’s not all - Fatou is also a modern alchemist who values creativity and experimentation in areas such as energy healing and spirituality. She challenges traditional ways of thinking to discover new solutions and unlock humanity's collective knowledge and wisdom.

With a desire to push boundaries, she seeks to transform the world through her innovative ideas.

In addition to being a master healer and modern alchemist, Fatou is also a time bender who understands the malleability of time. By valuing flexibility and adaptability in shaping events towards positive outcomes for herself and others, she harnesses the power of mindfulness to appreciate each moment fully. Rooted in curiosity about the nature of time itself, Fatou desires to use this tool for transformation towards greater good.

Join us as we explore this remarkable individual's world where time transcends beyond just a concept but becomes an instrument for change.

Virtual Offerings

Unique & powerful offerings including Full Moon Healings, Starseed Activation and a Virtual Ascension in Egypt


Fatou is blessed to be able to now offer retreats in some of her favorite, powerful locations on Earth

Private Offerings

Work 1 on 1 with Fatou in these private sessions which take place on video call so Fatou can reach you no matter where you are

Virtual Offerings

Unique & powerful offerings including Starseed Activation and a virtual Ascension in Egypt


Fatou is blessed to be able to now offer retreats in some of her favorite, powerful locations on Earth

Private Sessions

Work 1 on 1 with Fatou in these private sessions which take place on video call so Fatou can reach you no matter where you are in the world.

"My mission is to empower you to tap into your inner strength, find balance, and reach your fullest potential. I know that energy healing has the power to transform lives and I am dedicated to providing you with the tools you need to unlock your full potential. Join me on this journey towards greater well-being and discover a new path towards holistic healing." - Fatou Pruitt

Virtual Ascension to Egypt

There are sacred places which can be found all over the globe, and some of the oldest are located in Egypt. This ancient culture brought us a vast legacy of magic, mythology and history. Join me on a Virtual Ascencion to Sacred sites of Egypt

Accompany me on an online activation series where your human body, will remember its mission and actually anchor in its divine purpose so you can exist from this point.

— 16 video activation and meditations including the upgraded codes from 2023 Egypt Retreat

— PLUS 5 video activations, attunement and meditation in this BRAND NEW Goddess Serie

— A guide to support integration

Virtual Ascension to Egypt

There are sacred places which can be found all over the globe, and some of the oldest are located in Egypt. This ancient culture brought us a vast legacy of magic, mythology and history. Join me on a Virtual Ascension to Sacred sites of Egypt

Accompany me on an online activation series where your human body, will remember its mission and actually anchor in its divine purpose so you can exist from this point.

— 16 video activation and meditations including the upgraded codes from 2023 Egypt Retreat

— PLUS 5 video activations, attunement and meditation in this BRAND NEW Goddess Serie

— A guide to support intergration

Starseed Activation

A Starseed is a person who is literally Star born. They are beings of light who, although look human, will have specific DNA frequencies which are not of this world.

Activating your Starseed is done from a space of love and holds light and encoded messages channelled from the star and archangel realms. Starseeds are ready to clear, heal, activate their light and shine!

Starseeds have been coming to the Earth since the beginning of Earth’s history. We are not alone and we have much to learn about who we are and what our place is within the Universe.

Full Moon Activation

The full moon offers a powerful activation and frequency upgrade, making it an ideal time for meditating, enhancing your energy field, and aligning your chakras.

We meet LIVE on ZOOM, use this powerful energy to set clear intentions and clear all that is not serving us for the greatest good of all.

Using the lunar energy of a full moon can bring forth incredible healing results, both physically and mentally. Full moons bathe your skin in soft light, while also illuminating the often overlooked crevices of your subconscious—giving you insights into your spirit and soul.

Quantum Energy Healing

Quantum Energy Healing is a healing that is placed in space and time for you to access whenever you need it.

It is a powerful energy session that is made with strong intentions, sacred geometry and infused with love. It works the same as a live healing; recharging your energy field, and clearing your chakras. The only difference is that you can access it every time you need it.

It can help you be in flow with your most predominant frequency based on your intention

— Recharge & rejuvenate your cells

— Activate you on a DNA level

— Release tensed-up energy & realign you

Quantum Energy Healing

Quantum Energy Healing is a healing that is placed in space and time for you to access whenever you need it.

It is a powerful energy session that is made with strong intentions, sacred geometry and infused with love. It works the same as a live healing; recharging your energy field, and clearing your chakras. The only difference is that you can access it every time you need it.

It can help you be in flow with your most predominant frequency based on your intention

— Recharge & rejuvenate your cells

— Activate you on a DNA level

— Release tensed-up energy & realign you

Full Moon Activation

The full moon offers a powerful activation and frequency upgrade, making it an ideal time for meditating, enhancing your energy field, and aligning your chakras.

We meet LIVE on ZOOM, use this powerful energy to set clear intentions and clear all that is not serving us for the greatest good of all.

Using the lunar energy of a full moon can bring forth incredible healing results, both physically and mentally. Full moons bathe your skin in soft light, while also illuminating the often overlooked crevices of your subconscious—giving you insights into your spirit and soul.

Starseed Activation

A Starseed is a person who is literally Star born. They are beings of light who, although look human, will have specific DNA frequencies which are not of this world.

Activating your Starseed is done from a space of love and holds light and encoded messages channelled from the star and archangel realms. Starseeds are ready to clear, heal, activate their light and shine!

Starseeds have been coming to the Earth since the beginning of Earth’s history. We are not alone and we have much to learn about who we are and what our place is within the Universe.

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Contact Flo2Bloom

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