Quantum Energy

Free Healing


... every time you feel stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious. You can access Quantum and your energy healing.... FOR FREE!!

What is a time Quantum Energy healing?

It is a healing that is placed in space and time for you to access whenever you need it.

It is a powerful energy session that is made with strong intentions, sacred geometry and infused with love. It works the same as a live healing; recharging your energy field, and clearing your chakras. The only difference is that you can access it every time you need it.

What benefits brings Quantum Energy healing for me?

  • Recharge and rejuvenate your cells

  • Activate you on a DNA level

  • Release tensed-up energies

  • Re-align you

  • Help you be in flow with your most predominant frequency based on your intention

Introducing Fatou

Fatou is an Energy Master Healer and a forever student. She is also ascended alchemist, seer activator, quantum shifter and time bender.

Born in Southern Africa she has had the opportunity to see all aspects of life can offer and has learned under the wings of some of the best Healers and Mentors in the Northern Hemisphere to alternate her timeline, channel from her heart and pull her wisdom directly from the Quantum field.

In her 3D world, she enjoys sparkles, travelling, books and a glass of good champagne with friends. But truly what makes her heart sing is connecting to mother Gaia and Spirits from different dimensions and realms.

Fatou has been blessed with the knowledge of Masters who have shared with her the magic from their ancestors. They shared their path to find freedom peace, joy, and love so they can exist in this 3-D reality.

She now has a mission to empower you so you can, in turn, find your own energetic Blueprint to be on your journey of Spiritual Growth and healing. Fatou’s personal challenge to activate a Billion Souls before she leaves this dimension.

“Three routes to healing:

1. You must let the pain visit

2. You must allow it to teach you

3. You must not allow it to overstay”

Ijeoma Umebinyuo

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do a Quantum Energy Healing?

It can add an extra layer to your practice.

You might feel the need to have access to a healer but don't have one readily available.

You might need a bit of extra love frequency or want to help with a 21-day intention setting.

All these are reasons to access Quantum Energy Healing.

Will I be purging?

Everybody reacts to energy in different ways. This being said, I make sure during the healing to set the intentions to lovingly, clear anything that no longer serves you. I also set the intention to have minimal side effects.

You might feel tired or thirsty but also re-energized from the powerful Quantum Healing.