16 days of activation, attunement and integrations with Fatou PLUS 5 video activations, attunement and meditation in this brand new Goddess Serie as she travelled through some of the World's most spiritual and energetic sites
One off investment of $2222
BONUS VIP personal channelled messages
There are sacred places which can be found all over the globe, and some of the oldest are located in Egypt. This ancient culture brought us a vast legacy of magic, mythology and history. Join me on a Virtual Ascencion to Sacred sites of Egypt
Accompany me on an online activation series where your human body, will remember its mission and actually anchor in its divine purpose so you can exist from this point.
While I was physically in Egypt, I channeled Sirian and Pleadian energy, amongst others to create these 16 healing, activation and attunement transmissions and 5 activations, attunement and meditation in this Goddess Serie
Sirians have advance knowledge and masters of scared Geometry, mathematics, laser precision.
The Pleiadeans have mastered the love frequency, which is needed to house advanced knowledge, at a D.N.A. level, as we fully activate and integrate this knowledge.
2D elementals were called upon to help with the activation of the Platonic solids, while acknowledging the cardinal points N,S,E,W. I tuned in Sirian energy using the potency of their advanced knowledge which I believe you are ready for.
When virtually going to the ancient sites we will be pouring love and healing, and activating at a 2D level the platonic solids, which we are, and use this potent energy to activate the grid lines to anchor celestial energy, this will anchor 12 levels DNA so they are hooked.
Are you ready to remember?
Are you ready to live within your true purpose?
These activations will activate your memory so you can live in your true self, serving within your true mission.
There is no video today, use your favorite sound or peaceful silence.
Fatou is an Energy Master Healer and a forever student. She is also ascended alchemist, seer activator, quantum shifter and time bender.
Born in Southern Africa she has had the opportunity to see all aspects of life can offer and has learned under the wings of some of the best Healers and Mentors in the Northern Hemisphere to alternate her timeline, channel from her heart and pull her wisdom directly from the Quantum field.
In her 3D world, she enjoys sparkles, travelling, books and a glass of good champagne with friends. But truly what makes her heart sing is connecting to mother Gaia and Spirits from different dimensions and realms.
Fatou has been blessed with the knowledge of Masters who have shared with her the magic from their ancestors. They shared their path to find freedom peace, joy, and love so they can exist in this 3-D reality.
She now has a mission to empower you so you can, in turn, find your own energetic Blueprint to be on your journey of Spiritual Growth and healing. Fatou’s personal challenge to activate a Billion Souls before she leaves this dimension.
"The Starseed Activation was amazing. It felt really great and I felt I was in a higher frequency. My whole body was buzzing with energy all over. I felt like I was in such in great space during those few days I was so happy and excited and just filled with love.
I honestly feel like it came just in Devine timing because it's where my focus was at the moment."
"It was almost like being in some sort of an energetic container during the activation days. It was calm and peaceful, I felt held - and, to me, that was priceless❤️
The second day I think I was very tired. I very much appreciated your daily messages and updates too 🙏
Thank you!"
"I always looked up at the sky and wondered what was up there. I spent so many nights trying to figure out how many stars were in the Orion Belt and wondering if there were others out there. I finally understand why! Thank you Fatou for making me understand where my origin is from and why I never really felt home.
The audio left me vibrating in high energy and the 4 days were perfect to integrate it all smoothly."
Yes - The 2024 Retreat is now available here - https://flo2bloom.love/egypt-retreat-2024