Starseed Sacred Geometry Activation


... if you could uncover your Starseed origins and create a world that is shaped by love and light.

What are Starseeds?

A Starseed is a person who is literally Star born. They are beings of light who, although look human, will have specific DNA frequencies which are not of this world.

Starseeds have been coming to the Earth since the beginning of Earth’s history. We are not alone and we have much to learn about who we are and what our place is within the Universe.

How to Activate your Starseed

Activating your Starseed is done from a space of love and holds light and encoded messages channelled from the star and archangel realms. It is for light workers, Starseeds are ready to clear, heal, activate their light and shine!

Introducing Fatou

Fatou is an Energy Master Healer and a forever student. She is also ascended alchemist, seer activator, quantum shifter and time bender.

Born in Southern Africa she has had the opportunity to see all aspects of life can offer and has learned under the wings of some of the best Healers and Mentors in the Northern Hemisphere to alternate her timeline, channel from her heart and pull her wisdom directly from the Quantum field.

In her 3D world, she enjoys sparkles, travelling, books and a glass of good champagne with friends. But truly what makes her heart sing is connecting to mother Gaia and Spirits from different dimensions and realms.

Fatou has been blessed with the knowledge of Masters who have shared with her the magic from their ancestors. They shared their path to find freedom peace, joy, and love so they can exist in this 3-D reality.

She now has a mission to empower you so you can, in turn, find your own energetic Blueprint to be on your journey of Spiritual Growth and healing. Fatou’s personal challenge to activate a Billion Souls before she leaves this dimension.

“You are the universe, expressing itself as a human for a little while.”

Eckhart Tolle


Starseed Sacred Geometry Activation

Day 1

Activation of your Starseed Origin and the specific DNA frequencies (6 minute meditation)

Day 2

Amplify your activated Gold, light code and connect to your desires (6 minute meditation)

Day 3

Expansion of your intentions into the Universal Consciousness (7 minute meditation)

Day 4

Full Moon Healing, solidifying your origin into your being and grounding your Intentions (25 minute meditation)

What is included:

  • 49 page Guide
  • Audio meditations linked to each Starseed
  • Options to 'dig deeper' on each Starseed
  • Video 1 - Activate Meditation
  • Video 2 - Amplify Meditation
  • Video 3 - Expansion Meditation
  • Video 4 - Healing Meditation
  • Lifetime access
  • Work at your pace
  • Reflect and repeat as often as you need


"The Starseed Activation was amazing. It felt really great and I felt I was in a higher frequency. My whole body was buzzing with energy all over. I felt like I was in such in great space during those few days I was so happy and excited and just filled with love.

I honestly feel like it came just in Devine timing because it's where my focus was at the moment."

LaToya Noel

Starseed Activation


"It was almost like being in some sort of an energetic container during the activation days. It was calm and peaceful, I felt held - and, to me, that was priceless❤️

The second day I think I was very tired. I very much appreciated your daily messages and updates too 🙏

Thank you!"

Katjamaria Koskinen

Starseed Activation


"I always looked up at the sky and wondered what was up there. I spent so many nights trying to figure out how many stars were in the Orion Belt and wondering if there were others out there. I finally understand why! Thank you Fatou for making me understand where my origin is from and why I never really felt home.

The audio left me vibrating in high energy and the 4 days were perfect to integrate it all smoothly."

Dominique Levesque

Starseed Activation


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access the Activation?

This activation is accessed through a digital portal.

You will be given access instantly via email.

You will have access to the activation for life.

Will I identify with 1 Starseed?

When you go through each Starseed Origin, you might identify with more than one. This is perfectly fine as they are very ancient souls and being ONE with is ALL means your soul could have travelled from one planet to the other, just as it came here on earth.

What if I start purging?

When you go through each Starseed Origin, you might identify with more than one. This is perfectly fine as they are very ancient souls and being ONE with is ALL means your soul could have travelled from one planet to the other, just as it came here on earth.

Can I do the activation in 1 day?

The beauty of Earth is free will. You can do it all in 1 day and set the intention to receive doses that the energetic body is able to take.

This being said, it was designed and thought of for 4 days; so the activation, integration and healing can be assimilated in a gentle way and better integrated into your 3D world.

What if after the activation I still don't

know my Starseed?

You can sit with your Higher Self and ask the question? Where is my soul from? Pick up the guide, and see which of the Starseeds seems to be calling your attention. Go to the resources online and read the particular traits of each of them. At least one of them will make you feel at home. That's your Starseed Origin. Unless you are a newborn with no previous incarnation, you will find your tribe in the Galaxies.